AcquaPhi promotes your well-being and brings countless other benefits with it

AcquaPhi Water Refiner

The refined water of AcquaPhi contributes with its natural structure to the fact that the cells are optimally supplied with moisture and oxygen. This is clearly noticeable from the outside as well as from the inside. The result is beautiful radiant skin and strong shiny hair. Through a better electrolyte balance, an improved metabolism and faster cell regeneration, your energy and vitality increases.

Fresh and radiantly beautiful skin

  • Beautiful and pure skin has been an ideal of beauty since time immemorial. A balanced diet plays its part, but water is even more important! Thanks to its natural structure, spring water can help to ensure that the skin cells are optimally supplied with moisture and oxygen - both from the outside and from the inside. The latter also contributes to an acid-base balance, which also has a positive effect on skin health. By absorbing water with an increased pH value, overacidified bodies can become more alkaline and thus healthier. Conventional water can acquire these characteristics with the help of the AcquaPhi device. Inside the AcquaPhi resonance body a complex water refinement takes place....

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Customer review

"What is a miracle for me is that the entire skin, even the one without fungal lichen, has been rejuvenated in a fantastic way. AcquaPhi gives results, and I am a witness to this." - Katia Kullmann

1 January 2021

Silky, shiny, soft hair

  • Smoother, silkier hair If your hair has been dull, stiff or brittle lately, it doesn't have to be due to your care products - the cause is often hard water! Conventional tap water often contains a lot of magnesium (MgCo3) and calcium (CaCo3) in dissolved form, which we also know as lime. Limestone, a small pointed crystal, not only sticks to faucets and gets stuck in machines and pipes - your skin and hair also get it when you shower and bathe. This can be the reason why your hair feels hard, you can't comb it properly...

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Customer review

Energy boosting experience. More vitality.

  • We humans are closely connected with water. For thousands of years, various peoples and religions have practiced rituals around the liquid that accompanies us since before birth. That's why we feel so comfortable around water, be it in a relaxing shower, in the bathtub, in the swimming pool or in a wellness hotel. There you can completely relax and recharge your batteries. Water is alive and has its own structure and energy. It can change its form, for example when it freezes or turns into steam. The DNA of water is something very special, which allows the substance to transmit vibrations and...

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Customer review

"It is impressive! The device you came up with does wonders! Since installing it, our quality of life has improved greatly! No household should be without the AcquaPhi." - Marco Neri

13 February 2021

Positive energy balance of the mind and body

  • Balanced energy means that your body takes in as much energy as it uses. If this is not in balance, the balance becomes either negative or positive and valuable energy is lost as heat. You can think of your body as a power station: it needs energy all the time and this energy has to be collected, stored and converted. These processes ensure that your body functions properly and that functions such as heartbeat, breathing, digestion and brain activity can run smoothly. Your heart - a magnetic field Your heart plays a special role in the body's power plant. It has an extremely strong electromagnetic field that is constantly...

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Customer review

"The pH of our water has gone from 6.6 to an incredible 7.6. Ideal for drinking and we couldn't have asked for a better result." - Jenny & Peter

28 February 2021

Vital electrolyte intake

  • Electrolytes from food are important building blocks for a healthy organism, much like trace elements and vitamins. Electrolytes are substances in liquids from which electrical current can be conducted. The best known of their kind are magnesium, calcium, sodium and potassium. If too few electrolytes are consumed, this can lead to electrolyte imbalances or metabolic problems. Therefore, it is important that you counteract a deficiency and restore your electrolyte and water balance. If you eat a healthy and balanced diet, you should not normally develop an electrolyte deficiency. However, if you do not consume enough healthy water with a high oxygen content and a good pH value, you will...

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Customer review

"After installing AcquaPhi in the school, the cooks are very satisfied. In the dipping kettles for pasta, there is no more lime residue." - Paolo Boniotti

19 February 2021

Higher oxygen levels in AcquaPhi water

  • Endurance athletes benefit from a high oxygen concentration in the blood and therefore try to optimize it in order to achieve better performance. One method is altitude training: The body produces more red blood cells at higher altitudes to compensate for a low oxygen concentration. Oxygen is better transported through the body and the athlete can expect improved performance for a period of time after altitude training. While this is an effective method of improving performance, it is also costly. Professionals use this mainly before competitions and only benefit from the positive effect in the short term. There is a far more natural and long-term method of...

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Customer review

"I love this device! Impressive. It has increased my water flow by 0.6 liters per second. Thanks again!" - Dr. Stephen Provencher

1 March 2021

Better metabolism

  • Every human being consists of about 75 trillion cells. Each of these cells is a component of an organ in the human body - if they do not function properly, then the organ cannot fulfil its task and the person becomes ill. The cells in turn receive support from hundreds or thousands of mitochondria. These small power plants of the cell supply them with energy and thus ensure that our body functions properly. From metabolism to energy supply to detoxification, the mitochondria have a variety of tasks. In order to work properly, our cells and mitochondria need sufficient oxygen. This can be supplied via the air or via...

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Customer review

"AcquaPhi is always very clear and feels different (softer) to the touch than untreated water. I am thrilled with it. Thank you!" - Paola

19 June 2020

No stubborn limescale on the dishes and the dishwasher

  • Do you know this too? From one day to the next, the dishwasher no longer washes clean. Unsightly stains form on glasses and cutlery and even the drying process no longer works properly. Before you think you have to replace the appliance: there is a better solution! But what happened to the dishwasher? In most cases, the culprit is limescale, which stubbornly clings to the surfaces of the appliance, gumming up the machine and blocking the heating elements. Limestone forms in hard water with a lot of magnesium (MgCo3) and calcium (CaCo3) in dissolved form, which we call...

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Customer review

"The laundry from the washing machine has been an unmatched white for a few months now. And many people tell me I look rejuvenated!" - Andrea Cortesi

18 February 2021

Increase the lifetime of your machines

  • We'd like to spare you from that Lime can build up in devices and eat into their components. This can limit their functionality or even cause them to stop working altogether. Washing machine, dishwasher, dryer, kettle, coffee maker, iron - none of your household appliances that come into contact with water are safe from this. The result: an annoying cleaning or even an expensive repair. Behind this phenomenon is hard water, which is particularly calcareous due to a high content of magnesium (MgCo3) and calcium (CaCo3). This limestone has a structure that adheres to surfaces and is difficult to remove. Even small deposits...

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Customer review

"After 3 months now, my chronic fatigue (caused by stress) has disappeared, I feel revitalized. AcquaPhi is a device, which improves the quality of life and this despite increasing pollution." - Omar Spreafico

1 February 2021

More intense food flavour

  • A pleasure for the palate Anyone who wants to prepare delicious dishes should also use only the best water. Anyone who likes to cook and bake knows how important high-quality ingredients are: Whether it's boiling potatoes, making a casserole or baking a cake - good ingredients help to ensure that the food tastes delicious and is of good quality. The water refined by the AcquaPhi device is perfect for this. The higher oxygen content and optimised pH value have a positive effect on the preparation of food and allow it to fully develop its aromatic substances. The taste of the ingredients becomes more intense and at the same time more natural, which...

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Customer review

"What is a miracle for me is that the entire skin, even the one without fungal lichen, has been rejuvenated in a fantastic way. AcquaPhi gives results, and I am a witness to this." - Katia Kullmann

1 January 2021

Prevents calcification of the pipes

  • Carefree living According to this motto you should be able to enjoy your beloved home. To achieve this, prevention should be your first priority. The solution for the health of your home's pipes is sustainable and quite simple. And without any extra or maintenance costs! Why does limescale build up in pipes and fittings? Conventional tap water is particularly hard, which means it contains a large amount of magnesium (MgCo3) and calcium (CaCo3) in dissolved form, also known as limestone. If this calciferous water flows through your pipes every day, more and more limescale will build up in the pipes over time....

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Customer review

"The pH of our water has gone from 6.6 to an incredible 7.6. Ideal for drinking and we couldn't have asked for a better result." - Jenny & Peter

28 February 2021

A pleasure for guest and kitchen

  • Better food with better water Only high-quality, healthy food goes into your kitchen? Your guests and your family will be very happy about that! But have you ever thought about the quality of the water you use for cooking? AcquaPhi is the perfect solution, because the optimal pH value and the high oxygen content of the water ensure a naturally better taste in food. Not only chefs care about high quality ingredients for their creations, but also guests notice the difference. The AcquaPhi device is able to refine conventional tap water into vital water with many positive properties. How the...

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Customer review

"I love this device! Impressive. It has increased my water flow by 0.6 liters per second. Thanks again!" - Dr. Stephen Provencher

1 March 2021

Pleasant bathing experience in AcquaPhi water

  • The human body consists of at least 70% water. A full 99% of all molecules in our body are tiny water molecules. Therefore, it is also possible to transfer the positive effects of AcquaPhi water to the water molecules of our body cells. This happens by drinking the vital water every day, whereby you can already directly absorb a few liters of the naturally vibrating water. In addition, however, your body can also benefit from an external application of AcquaPhi water, namely when showering or bathing. A considerable amount of water is absorbed through the skin. Conventional water is replaced by the mineral and precious metal mix MIXOS and the patented effect geometric water course in the...

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Customer review

"AcquaPhi is always very clear and feels different (softer) to the touch than untreated water. I am thrilled with it. Thank you!" - Paola

19 June 2020

Fountain of youth for your horse

  • Big heart, big performance Horses have a very big heart, roughly comparable to a basketball! And although the lungs are also very large, with a volume of 50 litres, horses quickly reach their limits during physical exercise. When cantering, horses always exhale when they put down their last hind leg. This behavior can become problematic during intense exercise and lead to a lack of oxygen, also called hypoemia or hypoxia. This anaerobic zone provides an insufficient supply of oxygen to the body. High performance is only possible for a very short period of time for both horses and humans in this situation....

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Customer review

"After 3 months now, my chronic fatigue (caused by stress) has disappeared, I feel revitalized. AcquaPhi is a device, which improves the quality of life and this despite increasing pollution." - Omar Spreafico

1 February 2021

Natural and healthy growth

  • Your pets are entitled to healthy water too Animals are just like humans: In order to function and grow properly, they need enough fresh water. Veterinarians know of cases where pets did not consume enough water and consequently became dehydrated simply because they did not like the tap water they were given. This can have serious consequences, leading to decreased food intake and even lack of energy and loss of performance. AcquaPhi water can remedy this. It has a more natural taste than conventional tap water. It can also have positive effects on the health of your animals: The increased pH value can make it...

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Customer review

"The laundry from the washing machine has been an unmatched white for a few months now. And many people tell me I look rejuvenated!" - Andrea Cortesi

18 February 2021

Better quality and higher profitability

  • The nightmare of every dairy farmer is the somatic cells in the milk. The higher the number of these cells in the milk, the poorer the milk yield and quality. Once the somatic cells exceed a certain level, the milk can no longer be consumed. Most somatic cells are white blood cells (leukocytes). The number of these leukocytes can increase dramatically when the animals become infected with pathogenic bacteria and develop mastitis. The body reacts to this with an immune response and produces more white blood cells. Unfortunately, this does not happen so rarely in practice....

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Customer review

Every race can be won

  • When it comes to winning, every detail becomes important. To get the best results, you should also not underestimate the effect of water. Racehorses and camels perform better when they are supplied with healthy, desalinated water. The energising properties of AcquaPhi water are ideal for this: the spring water, which is derived from natural vibrations, supplies the body with valuable oxygen and helps to build up red blood cells in an ideal way. This can help to increase the performance of the animals and to finish better in races. The AcquaPhi device has the power to enhance ordinary water. In doing so, it works entirely without chemicals:...

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Customer review

"It is impressive! The device you came up with does wonders! Since installing it, our quality of life has improved greatly! No household should be without the AcquaPhi." - Marco Neri

13 February 2021

Increase plant growth by 15

  • Time and again we can observe that plants grow much better when they are watered with AcquaPhi water. To confirm this officially, we wanted to have this investigated by a university. As part of a diploma thesis at the University of Reggio Calabria, a study was made of olive trees. Two groups were compared: One was watered with AcquaPhi water, the other with normal water. With regard to the uptake of carbon dioxide by the trees, the following was found: - CO² uptake normal water: 25.5 t/ha/a - CO² uptake AcquaPhi water: 29.4 t/ha/a This is interesting in that a plant with a higher amount of CO² can also perform better. You...

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Customer review

"After installing AcquaPhi in the school, the cooks are very satisfied. In the dipping kettles for pasta, there is no more lime residue." - Paolo Boniotti

19 February 2021

Better efficiency in the use of water

  • The better structure of spring water The differences between spring water and tap water were impressively illustrated by the Japanese researcher Masaru Emoto with photos of frozen water crystals. A clear tendency can be seen in these photos - but the method is not very scientific. According to Emoto, in order to obtain definitive proof of whether the water in question has a good structural quality, there is only one possibility: to test the water on plants. Plant cells react very objectively and sensitively to different water qualities. The difference can be seen very clearly in an experiment conducted by a farmer from Jamaica. He has treated some of his plants with...

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Customer review

"What is a miracle for me is that the entire skin, even the one without fungal lichen, has been rejuvenated in a fantastic way. AcquaPhi gives results, and I am a witness to this." - Katia Kullmann

1 January 2021

Fewer investments, higher earnings

  • Everyone can test the effectiveness of AcquaPhi water at home on their own plants. You can also safely rule out the possibility that this is a placebo effect, because plants cannot be conditioned. These two examples have reached us from AcquaPhi users: With the lettuce plants in the first photos it can be observed that far more sprouts when the seeds are watered with AcquaPhi water. The same applies to the bean plants in the photo below. Thus, it can be clearly seen that both bean seeds sprouted in the container watered with AcquaPhi water (right), while only one sprouted in the container with conventional water. In addition, the plants with the...

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Customer review

"After 3 months now, my chronic fatigue (caused by stress) has disappeared, I feel revitalized. AcquaPhi is a device, which improves the quality of life and this despite increasing pollution." - Omar Spreafico

1 February 2021

Tap water instead of PET bottles

  • What can you save? We deliberately use the "expensive" Switzerland as an example: A cubic meter of water (i.e. 1000 liters) costs 1.85 centimes or 1.72 euros. One litre of water thus comes to a price of 0.00185 centimes. Every Swiss or German drinks around 143 litres of bottled water a year, and one litre costs between 0.35 and 4.90 euros here. Depending on how much a person drinks, saving this water can save between 50 and 700 euros! If you live in a location with a high lime content, you must also pay attention to your tap water. An inexpensive water softener for a smaller household of up to six people is available from 2,500 Euros. In addition still come...

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Customer review

"It is impressive! The device you came up with does wonders! Since installing it, our quality of life has improved greatly! No household should be without the AcquaPhi." - Marco Neri

13 February 2021

Our contribution to environmental protection

  • With our credo and the strategic orientation of AcquaPhi AG, we make an enormous contribution to environmental protection. In recent years, we have achieved our goal with our products to refine conventional tap water in such a way that it becomes accessible to everyone in the best quality. You don't have to drive a single metre to get it, and you no longer have to buy bottles that are harmful to the environment! Lifelong benefits Our products are manufactured using the least amount of energy possible. Emissions from sourcing materials and packaging are so low that they have little impact on your carbon footprint (PCF). Especially when...

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Customer review

"AcquaPhi is always very clear and feels different (softer) to the touch than untreated water. I am thrilled with it. Thank you!" - Paola

19 June 2020

Avoid plastic bottles and waste

  • Millions of PET bottles are produced every day. Sooner or later they all end up in landfills, or even worse in lakes, rivers and the oceans. The resulting damage will continue to pollute our environment for decades, if not centuries. Unfortunately, the effects have been clearly visible for years. You can already make an enormous contribution to environmental protection by avoiding PET bottles whenever possible. The most important good on earth, the precious water, you already have at home in your pipes. Through the unique installation of our environmentally friendly AcquaPhi, we provide you with high-quality, refined drinking water...

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Customer review

"I love this device! Impressive. It has increased my water flow by 0.6 liters per second. Thanks again!" - Dr. Stephen Provencher

1 March 2021

Carbon neutral protocol

  • Protecting the environment has always been one of our most important credos and at the same time the strategic orientation of AcquaPhi AG. Water is the most important component of our existence, and therefore the element on earth worth protecting. In recent years, we have achieved our goal of refining normal tap water in such a way that it is accessible to everyone in the best quality. To be able to enjoy this natural element in your home without hesitation, you don't have to drive a single metre! CO²-free, for life Our products are produced with an extremely low energy input. The emissions from the procurement of the input materials, the packaging and...

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Customer review

"The pH of our water has gone from 6.6 to an incredible 7.6. Ideal for drinking and we couldn't have asked for a better result." - Jenny & Peter

28 February 2021

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